Tag: satiation

  • Stop being Hungry: Satiation is another key to weight loss

    Stop being Hungry: Satiation is another key to weight loss

    Satiation, the sensation of fullness and satisfaction after eating, is a natural occurring feeling which helps regulate our food intake. By understanding the factors that influence satiation and implementing practical strategies, individuals can effectively support their weight loss goals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore these factors and provide tailored tips for harnessing satiation to… Read more

  • Satiety Per Calorie Can Make Snacks Good Again

    Satiety Per Calorie Can Make Snacks Good Again

    In the quest for effective weight management, the theory of satiety per calorie emerges as a guiding principle, directing individuals towards food choices that not only satisfy nutritional needs but also promote a sense of fullness relative to their calorie content. This theory proves especially valuable in the realm of weight loss, where maintaining a… Read more

  • Metabolic Flexibility: A Key to Optimal Health

    Metabolic Flexibility: A Key to Optimal Health

    Metabolic flexibility is a crucial aspect of human physiology that governs the body’s ability to adapt its energy utilization based on the availability of different fuel sources. This dynamic metabolic adaptability plays a pivotal role in maintaining energy balance, preventing metabolic disorders, and supporting overall health.  Understanding Metabolic Flexibility: Metabolic flexibility refers to the ability… Read more

  • Mindful Eating Is The Key

    Mindful Eating Is The Key

    The Disconnect Between Visual and Body Cues: When you drive down the street, do you wait for the red light before you slam on the brakes screeching to a stop at the line (or sometimes over)?  Most of us use that yellow light to pull our foot off the gas and coast for a second… Read more